Chain drawings

The game starts by giving each team member a sheet of paper. Each person must draw a simple picture on their sheet without talking to anyone else. Once the drawing is finished, each person passes their sheet to the person on their right. Each team member looks at the drawing they receive, folds the sheet in half, and writes at the top what they think the drawing represents. The sheet is then passed to the right again. Each person reads the description, folds the sheet to hide the words, and draws an image of what was described.

This process continues, with each turn alternating between guessing what the drawing represents and drawing what was described. It's important that each turn reveals only the words or drawing from the previous round. Separate sheets or pads of paper can be used if it's more convenient than one sheet, but they must be passed together.

When the sheet returns to its original owner, each member reveals what was written and drawn.

This game is particularly engaging for team building as it generates lots of laughter and serves as an excellent icebreaker at parties or before long meetings where participants need to feel comfortable with each other. The drawings and interpretations often spark discussions and jokes, helping to lighten the atmosphere and encourage informal communication among team members. This type of activity also enhances creativity and active listening, as each participant must interpret and react to others' ideas in a playful and engaging manner.