A Rube Goldberg machine is a device that performs a simple task in a deliberately complex manner, usually through a chain reaction. It is named after the American cartoonist Rube Goldberg.
The Rube Goldberg Machine Building Game, also known as the "Domino Effect," is a fun and stimulating activity where participants must create a series of complex and exaggerated reactions to accomplish a simple task, such as dropping a ball into a glass or turning on a light.
Game Procedure: Participants are divided into teams, and each team receives a set of varied materials such as dominos, balls, ramps, rubber bands, wooden blocks, etc. The goal is to design and build a Rube Goldberg machine that performs a specified task in a spectacular and convoluted way. Teams must plan their design, distribute tasks, and assemble the machine while ensuring that each step triggers correctly.
Competitive Elements and Variations:
Originality and Creativity: Award points for the most original and creative designs. The team with the most inventive idea receives extra points.
Efficiency: Reward the team whose machine accomplishes the task in the smoothest and most uninterrupted manner. Machines that work on the first try get bonus points.
Complexity: Give points for the number of steps in the reaction chain. The more steps there are, the more points the team earns, provided the machine works correctly.
Surprise Materials: Introduce surprise materials that teams must incorporate into their machine, adding an extra level of challenge.
Time Limit: Impose a strict time limit for designing and building the machine, adding pressure and testing the teams' time management skills.
Presentations and Demonstrations: Each team must present and explain the operation of their machine, adding a dimension of communication and presentation to the challenge. Points can be awarded for clarity and enthusiasm in the presentation.
This game is an excellent project management exercise in team building. It requires close coordination and constant communication, as each team member must ensure that every step of the machine works correctly. This activity stimulates creativity and problem-solving, as teams must invent ingenious solutions to connect each step of the chain reaction. Working under a deadline and with limited resources also helps develop essential time and resource management skills.