Draw according to my instructions

In this game, the group is divided into pairs. Each pair is positioned so that one member sees an image while the other has a sheet of paper and a pen to draw. The objective is for the person with the image to describe it using only geometric shape names and positional cues, avoiding obvious words that could give away the image. The other member must draw based solely on this description. For example, if the image shows an elephant on a ball, the description cannot be direct like "draw an elephant on the ball," but must use adjectives and indirect instructions such as "a circle topped with 4 rectangles oriented at 10 o'clock and 2 o'clock." At the end of the allotted time, both team members compare the original image with the drawing created.

This game is enriching in a team building context because it emphasizes communication and language skills. It vividly demonstrates how interpretations of instructions can differ, even when participants believe they are describing the same thing. This encourages clarity in communication, the ability to give and follow precise instructions, and understanding potential challenges in interpersonal communication. Additionally, the comparison between the actual image and the drawing offers a learning opportunity on perception and visual interpretation within a team.