
A simple team puzzle can be surprisingly rewarding to enhance collaboration and communication within a group.

Here are some variations and ideas:

  • Giant Puzzle: Choose a large puzzle and divide it into sections. Divide your group into teams, each working on a section to assemble the complete puzzle!

  • Competitive Puzzle: Alternatively, turn the game into a competition by dividing teams and giving them the same puzzle. The first team to finish wins!

  • Timed Puzzle: You can also set a strict time limit to assemble the puzzle. Each minute saved under the deadline earns bonus points!

  • Custom Puzzle: Create a puzzle from a meaningful image or message for your team. A keepsake to cherish!

Doing a team puzzle is a fun and symbolic way to strengthen collaboration at work. Assembling the pieces, participants discover how coordination, communication, and creativity are crucial in their daily lives. It's an experience that helps better understand each other and build a more united and efficient team.