The Assembly of Animals

The aim of this game is to divide your group into smaller groups while also relaxing the atmosphere.

  1. Distribute to each person a card or a post-it note with the name of a farm animal on it (e.g., Cow, Pig, Horse, Sheep, etc.). Make sure to have multiple notes with the same animal.

  2. To find the rest of their group, participants must imitate the sound of the animal on their card, and then assemble into groups based on their animal (e.g., all the pigs together, all the sheep, etc.).

  3. Variations can include blindfolding participants or using different types of sounds (nursery rhymes, etc.).

By imitating the sounds of animals and grouping together based on their assigned animal, participants must work together to find their group. It encourages creativity and interaction among group members. Variations such as blindfolding participants or using different types of sounds add an additional dimension of challenge and entertainment, thus strengthening the bonds between participants.